Swix Racing Roto Steel XC 70mm
Racing Roto Steel XC, 70mm, is used for cross country skis. You use the steel brush for deep cleaning of the base before wax application.
Racing Roto Steel XC, 70mm, is used for cross country skis. You use the steel brush for deep cleaning of the base before wax application.
SKU: T0019S-XC
Racing Roto Steel Cross Country 70mm brush is part our series of XC brushes in 70mm for combining the brushes that best suit your purpose.
The steel brush is used to clean the base of your skis before applying hot wax.
Attach two pcs of the 70mm brushes on the 140mm roto cover handle, eg T15-140. Then attach the Roto Cover with the brushes on to your drill.
Since you're attaching a 70mm brush on a 140mm roto cover handle you can easily combine brushes on the roto cover handle. One steel brush and one horsehair brush.
We recommend using a drill with a minimum rotation speed of 1800 rpm for best results. Move the brush in overlapping movements from the tip all the way down to the ski's tail.
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Szczegółowy opis
Racing Roto Steel Cross Country 70mm brush is part our series of XC brushes in 70mm for combining the brushes that best suit your purpose.
The steel brush is used to clean the base of your skis before applying hot wax.
Attach two pcs of the 70mm brushes on the 140mm roto cover handle, eg T15-140. Then attach the Roto Cover with the brushes on to your drill.
Since you're attaching a 70mm brush on a 140mm roto cover handle you can easily combine brushes on the roto cover handle. One steel brush and one horsehair brush.
We recommend using a drill with a minimum rotation speed of 1800 rpm for best results. Move the brush in overlapping movements from the tip all the way down to the ski's tail.
Specyfikacja techniczna
- 70mm width
- To attach it to a drill you need a Roto Cover, eg T15-140
- We recommend using a drill with a minimum rotation speed of 1800 rpm for best results.
- This brush is made for those who want best possible prep on your cross country skis