Danner Laces 63" Winter 2024
Putting anything other than Danner laces on a pair of Danners is like putting after-market parts on a vintage CJ - you just don't do it. Instead, rely on the quality and craftsmanship that drew you to Danner in the first place and invest in laces that won't let you down.
Putting anything other than Danner laces on a pair of Danners is like putting after-market parts on a vintage CJ - you just don't do it. Instead, rely on the quality and craftsmanship that drew you to Danner in the first place and invest in laces that won't let you down.
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SKU: 70045-w2024
Putting anything other than Danner laces on a pair of Danners is like putting after-market parts on a vintage CJ - you just don't do it. Instead, rely on the quality and craftsmanship that drew you to Danner in the first place and invest in laces that won't let you down.
- Цената на доставка е 5 лв. за цялата страна за 2 раб. дни.
- Доставките се извършват с куриерска фирма ЕКОНТ всеки работен ден.
- Доставката е безплатна за поръчки над 150 лева.
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Szczegółowy opis
Putting anything other than Danner laces on a pair of Danners is like putting after-market parts on a vintage CJ - you just don't do it. Instead, rely on the quality and craftsmanship that drew you to Danner in the first place and invest in laces that won't let you down.
Specyfikacja techniczna
Replacement Laces
Included are two 63-inch round ties that fit most 18-eye boots (9 on each side). If you have a wider leg or prefer to tie your boots a little looser, we suggest increasing by one length.
Made in the USA