Founded in 1973 in Ventura, California, today Patagonia is one of the world's iconic outdoor gear companies. In the beginning, Patagonia was a garage in which the founder and owner Yvon Chouinard made climbing equipment, from the sale of which he managed to earn enough to live and climb, and the original name of the company was Chouinard equipment. Without intentions for a big business and plans for a multimillion-dollar company, step by step Yvon Chouinard's activity grew and, in addition to climbing equipment, the offered items also include clothes suitable for enduring days in nature - durable, functional and comfortable. A basic requirement for all products is that they are of high quality and cause less harm to the planet.
In his book "Let my people go surfing", Chouinard says: "If I was going to do business, I would do it according to my own rules". So, this notion is at the heart of Patagonia, and the business model that Chouinard created was studied in university classrooms.
For all 50 years of its existence, Patagonia has been a zealous defender of wildlife, an opponent of overconsumption and a supporter of the Earth and sustainable development. Numerous campaigns, donations, film projects, demonstrations, financial investments... the company uses all possible tools to fight against harmful human intervention in wildlife and the resulting consequences of this intervention, climate change.
On its birthday, however, Patagonia looks not backward, but forward to the next 50, with a call: "Together, let's prioritize purpose over profit and protect this wondrous planet, our only home."
So what's next?
The rivers, the mountains, the land... supporting the people fighting to preserve them and attracting more people to this cause. Patagonia calls for active participation in events, demonstrations and activities to protect nature. To sharing our skills and volunteering to help NGOs in our area and around the world - they are always in need of talented people - from graphic design, project management, financial support and more.
Making things that last longer and do more with what we already have. A basic rule for Patagonia in the last 50 years and the direction of the next 50, is to make high-quality clothes with minimal impact on nature. Organic cotton, hemp, recycled polyester, wool and down, recycled fishing nets, natural rubber and dyes are some of the ingredients Patagonia uses to make its products. And today, on its birthday, the company urges: "Let's make things that last longer and do more with what we already have."
Human powered.
Outdoor sports are the core around which Patagonia is built. Climbing, skiing, surfing, running, mountaineering... all these and many more activities help us connect with the natural world. To know our possibilities, to encounter something difficult and to overcome it. With our own strength. Let us find joy in wild places and revel in their beauty.
Next is going purpose - ditching growth for growth’s sake and using the money Patagonia makes to help restore and protect the Earth.
In September 2022, Yvon Chouinard announced that he is donating Patagonia to planet Earth. 100% of the company’s voting stock transfers to the Patagonia Purpose Trust, created to protect the company’s values; and 100% of the nonvoting stock had been given to the Holdfast Collective, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting the environmental crisis and defending nature. The funding will come from Patagonia: Each year, the money the company makes after reinvesting in the business will be distributed as a dividend to help fight the crisis.
Thus, Earth is now Patagonia's only shareholder. And what is next is saving our home planet.
"Not a lot of people understand how serious we are about saving this planet. I'm dead serious.", Yvon Chouinard
Learn more about the next 50 here.
Learn more about the materials in Patagonia clothing here.
Check out Patagonia products here.